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Skip to main contentParenting Support for Corporates and Organisations Worldwide
For over 20+ years, we have delivered dynamic, interactive support to tens of thousands of employees globally, through webinars, seminars, workshops, clinics, consultations, videos, podcasts, articles and curated resources.
We understand the challenges faced integrating work and family life and also appreciate that time is very limited.
We aim to provide practical, realistic advice in a succinct manner giving all employees (specialising in supporting parents & carers) the skills to make life at home less stressful.
To the employer:
- Enhance productivity, creativity, focus, confidence, fulfilment & innovation
- Help to attract & retain talent
- A valuable opportunity to show genuine concern, interest and empathy with employees. Sending a clear signal that you take their work-life balance seriously.
- Enhanced image as an ‘Employer of Choice’
- Create an inclusive & diverse workplace culture
- Support held at a time and place convenient to you with minimal encroachment on work time
- An opportunity for all employees at whatever stage in their career to network and share experiences with their colleagues. Everyone is on the same level as parents.
To the Employee:
- A wealth of practical advice, experience & information to support & engage
- Improves work-life balance
- Promotes ongoing informal networking, sharing ideas & support for employees in the workplace
- Reduces stress & feelings of guilt about time spent away from home
- Generate a feeling of belonging, being valued, increased loyalty, trust & psychological safety
Usually delivered for 60 minutes to groups of any size globally. Includes a structured presentation, comprehensive notes, interactive polls, discussion and Q&A.
We are totally flexible and happy to tailor make sessions to suit your specific needs. We can cater to the needs of specific employee resource groups or cover broader topics, relevant to all employees at any level within the organisation. We liaise with the requirements of human resources, diversity teams and employee resource group networks to help and advise on which areas to focus, according to the specific needs of your employees.
Raising Children
More info here
- Dads Matter
- Toddlers Matter
- Teens Matter
- Motivation Matters
- Emotions Matter
- Siblings Matter
- Values Matter
- Raising boys / Raising girls Matters
- Independence Matters
Family Life
More info here
- Single Parents Matter
- Blended Families Matter
- Acceptance Matters
- Mental Health Matters (children)
- Diversity Matters
- Allies Matter
- Unconscious Gender Bias Matters
- Bilingual Matters
- Sleep Matters
- Bullying Matters
- Money Matters
- Eating Matters
- Organisation Matters
- Grandparents Matters
- Sustainable Parenting Matters
Neurodiversity & Disability
More info here for adults
More info here for children
- Special Needs Matter
- Autism Matters (adults & children)
- Dyslexia Matters (adults & children)
- Neurodivergence Matters
- Hidden Disabilities Matter
- Neurodiversity & the Parent Experience Matters
- Gifted & Talented Matters
More info here
- Resilience Matters
- Wellbeing Matters
- Balance Matters
- Carers Rights Matter
- Thriving Matters
- Sandwich Caring Matters
- Supporting Carers
- Dementia / Alzheimer Matters
- Power of Attorney Matters
Female Health
More info here
- Menopause Matters
- Pregnancy Loss Matters
- Fertility Matters
- Perinatal Mental Health Matters
- Puberty Matters
- Female Health Matters
Educating Children
More info here
- Reading Matters
- Writing Matters
- Numeracy Matters
- Homework Matters
- Exam Matters
- School Matters: Nursery, Primary, Secondary
- University Matters
- Reception Matters
- Technology Matters
- Learning & Mindset Matters
- Smart Matters
Work-life Integration
More info here
- Boundaries Matter
- Time Matters
- Wellbeing Matters
- Pre-Parental Leave Matters
- During Parental Leave Matters
- Post -Parental Leave Matters
- Line Managers Matter
Mental Health & Wellbeing
More info here
- Anxiety Matters
- Resilience Matters
- Grief & Loss Matters
- Mental Health Matters (adults)
- Self-care Matters
- Wellbeing Matters
- Isolation Matters
- Emotional Intelligence Matters
- Neurodiversity Wellbeing Matters
- Relationships Matter
- Motivation Matters
- Engagement Matters
- Talking Anxiety Matters
- Social Interaction Matters
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging
More info here
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Matters
- Allyship Matters
- Inclusive Leadership Matters
- Emotional Intelligence Matters
- Cultural Diversity Matters
- Casual Isms Matter
- Gender Dynamics Matter
- Intersectionality Matters
Bespoke service
Tailor made support can be developed in a range of formats on any topic to suit the specific requirements of your employees.
Parent clinics
This provides working parents with the opportunity to have one-to-one confidential time with an ‘expert’ to address any issues or concerns about their child. Parents submit their questions in advance and have 25-30 minute slots either onsite or over the phone. This offering is extremely popular and slots are usually filled within a few hours.
Examples of typical topics include:
- Improving the morning/bedtime routine
- Coping with whining
- Teaching study skills
- Manners and respect
- Assessing my child’s ability
- Learning difficulties
- Non co-operation
- Screen time
- Improving my child’s attitude
- My child hates writing
- Aggressive behaviour
- Friendships
For a broader global reach, we provide short videos covering similar content to our seminars, webinars & transition workshops.
Articles, vlogs, blogs, website recommendations and book lists to share on the company’s intranet or internal networking pages.
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