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Skip to main content”The things I learnt have had a profound effect on me and therefore my family. I am much more sensitive and empathetic to my children’s behaviour. The course has given me confidence to handle situations in ‘the right way’.
Entrepreneur and father of 2
”As a doctor, I learnt many of these techniques and use them on my patients every day. However, it never occurred to me that they could also be used with my own children.
GP and mother of 3
”We changed all our morning and evening routines and Rachel’s recommendations really work. The children are involved in establishing rules and values. It is actually really fun.
Mother of 2 boysboth parents working full time in investment banking
”It gave me a chance to look at my parenting from a different perspective and see how I can be more positive.
Father of 2
”Huge thanks to Rachel for creating this lovely teaching atmosphere and making this difficult task of positive parenting seem so simple to everyone. My husband and I were both very impressed by her knowledge and positive energy. It is obvious that she loves teaching this subject; she was never short of any answers/recommendations when most difficult scenarios were brought up in the class discussions.
Mother of 5 year old twins
”“Huge impact on myself and my husband. Some things don’t change overnight but now we stop and think before we talk to our children when they’re not behaving well. We try to plan more, now that we understand the potential causes of their misbehaviour.”
Mother of twins
”I want to say a big, big thank you for everything. This course has been so helpful and so important in many different ways. It has literally been the anchor I needed at this rather challenging and stressful time. Sometimes I think we forget the most important thing, the love we feel for our children, with all the rushing and competing. The course has taught me an effective way of staying on top of things while still remembering what is important.
Mother of 2
”The emotion coaching session was a big eye opener for me. I realised my emotions were not recognised when I was a child. This realisation gives me an opportunity to recognise my kid’s emotions.
Mother of 2 year old and step parent to teenage girls
”We are both calmer and when we are not we remind each other that this actually does not help with the situation!
Couple with 3 kids
”Thank you very much Rachel for the life changing course. I feel less alone as a Mum struggling to keep the peace. The course has made a massive difference to my outlook on parenting and looking at my own childhood and everything has been and continues to be a very big but very rewarding challenge. It’s very, very hard to remember to say and do the right things but I am getting better at hitting the PAUSE button – which is right next to the fridge.
My lightbulb moment was Rachel telling us that our kids also have an agenda as important to them as ours is to us. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit that this came as such a surprise to me. Letting go of expectations and the control that goes with them has made both me and the kids much happier and calmer.
Single mother of twins
”Thank you so much for your beneficial advice and tips. The main point you made that resonated the most with was empathising with my child and voicing that empathy to her…I found that every time I did this, it defused the tension very quickly. I also get quite surprised by that result each time ……and asking myself, how did I never think of this? I really enjoyed the sessions I attended and loved how open you were about your own frustrations and successes with your children.
Mother of 9 year old girl
”I thought all aspects were excellent. Rachel is absolutely superb.
Father of 3
”After the course I am pretty confident that I am a better parent and my kids are happier.
Mother of 2 teenagers
”The course made a huge difference in our home and I even communicated the ideas with my son’s school teacher who said it has made a big difference to his behaviour in schools.
Father of 2 boys
”I use the techniques on my partner/colleagues and friends and get as much success with adults as I do with my twins.
Mother of twins working full time at Credit Suisse
”I just wanted to thank you for the past 10 weeks. It has been a pleasure to attend your classes and you have really changed my style of parenting for the better. It has all had such a wonderful impact on my girls already and I can’t thank you enough. It really is the best money spent and I have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. I have attended a number of courses in the past and was a little sceptical about attending another course and I’m so pleased that I did! Not only are you talented, you are also totally fabulous and convey everything in a non-judgemental way. I will be telling everyone I know about your fabulous courses.
Single Father
”It made a huge difference to my relationship with other people.
Mother of 3 boys
”I feel so much more relaxed now.
The most meaningful insights were listening to other parents and seeing myself in them.
Step parent
”Recently, I went to a session of the parenting course Educating Matters. It was incredibly interesting, informative and this is a course I would highly recommend any parent. The course deals with pretty much any scenario a parent will come across, is a time when you can talk through difficulties with the teacher and the other parents who participate, and ultimately it will give you tools with which you can improve a situation/s. What makes this course so good is that you can talk about your own situation in a friendly, open and warm atmosphere without having any judgement. Rachel Vecht is a lovely, warm and knowledgeable woman who, with four children herself, can relate to any situation and/or challenge you might have. There is an abundance of course material, book suggestions and lots of research based information. Whether you need some coping strategies or just some reinforcement, this course would be beneficial for anyone!
NW8 mums
”My kids are calmer, more confident and less competitive with each other.
Mother of 3
”I learnt more in the first half an hour than I have in 12 years of being a father.
Father of 4 boys
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