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Skip to main contentSuccessfully Integrate Work & Life
For Corporates
Engage and support employees globally
Parenting Classes
Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher
Private Consultations
1-2-1 support around a vast array of topics
Established in 2001, we work with Diversity, Equity & Inclusion teams, Learning & Development, Wellbeing, Employee Benefits, HR, Employee Resource Groups or Networks to provide guidance on inclusion, changing cultures and bespoke training.
We help employers support and enhance the wellbeing of employees with a speciality in focusing on those with caring responsibilities.
We also offer practical parenting tips, support and guidance in schools and to individual parents/carers.
We have helped 10,000’s of employees, so they feel less stressed and more productive.
Being a parent is probably the most rewarding but difficult job one will ever have. With a positive approach, children are more likely to reach their full potential.
There is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ parent. However, with some easy to learn techniques, parents can make family life more fulfilling, happy and nurturing.
All seminars, webinars, courses, workshops and consultations are delivered by people with lived experience of the topics we address. This enables them to draw on personal challenges experienced, combined with solid subject knowledge.
“It really made me feel like I can do this and gave me a
structure to work from. The presenter was hugely
knowledgeable and I felt like I trusted her. Probably
one of the best webinars on the subject that I’ve come
across so far.”
“We had over 1500 participants dial in, of those that stayed on the line to vote – we had a 99% satisfaction rate which is pretty fab! As they’re a tough crowd to crack. Educating Matters helps colleagues to develop a more practical and positive attitude to approaching their concerns and difficulties.”
“Rachel is an amazing professional with innovative thinking. It is a pleasure to work with her. The sessions, she is delivering, on topics such as positive parenting, motivation, resilience, confidence, transition and many others to support our colleagues, have a great content and are full of simple practical advices. The feedback, received from parents and carers, is that Rachel’s sessions helped them to better understand and support their children in everyday life.”
“I feel so grateful to work for a company that values, encourages and supports employee networks. Following the session our parents are feeling empowered to immediately change the conversations with their children. I know that this session’s positive effects will be felt not only at home but in the workplace too.”
“Rachel was very easy to talk to and quite relatable. She used experiences from her own life to put things into context and was very open and honest. She was able to give more tailored suggestions and she followed all this up with an e-mail covering the resources we had discussed. I found the whole experience extremely helpful.”
“I loved your honest and candid approach and what really stuck with me is the plethora of specific examples you have used to illustrate the practical techniques you taught us. That really brought it to life for me. All the lessons are equally applicable to work and personal relationships, so I will definitely be using them.”
“Thank you so, so much for an exceptional session last week! As was evident in the chat panel, the level of engagement was absolutely brilliant.”
“Working with Educating Matters has been an absolute pleasure. The experience and knowledge is invaluable and presentation and delivery first class. Sky will be hosting many more sessions and I thoroughly recommend for your networks. “
“The feedback from my colleagues was absolutely fantastic, people were really impressed by the combination of well-researched, evidence based solutions and personal experience of raising children, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend to anyone or any business that wants to ensure that colleagues and clients are given access to the highest quality learning and development tools.”
Browne Jacobson
“Fantastic to work with and delivered huge value to HSBC. The style, approach and knowledge is very impressive. She is accommodating to our needs and passionate about what she does. We have had amazing feedback on her sessions internally.”
“A personal and sincere thank you for the vibrant, energetic and inspirational way in which you share and educate. Neurodiversity remains so misunderstood and to hear someone speak with such insight and intelligence is a joy.”
Deutsche Bank
“Attendants loved the workshop ran by you. The presentation style was very engaging and the content was insightful at breaking down the ways in which we communicate with others. High interactivity and good examples as well as actionable learnings. Attendants loved the fact there was a lot of material they could go away and read more about as well as simplifying the scientific explanations really helped.”
“It was a great opportunity to stop and think about the way I’m working and how others in the business are. It made me feel more able to speak about it with colleagues.”
Helping individuals to 'show up' as the best version of themselves -
At home & at work
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