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At the start of a new year, people across the globe will be setting new resolutions and goals for 2020.  Whether that’s relating to areas such as work, family, friends, physical or mental health.

If you are a parent or responsible for caring for a child, you may be making similar resolutions year after year but nothing really changes. 

Here are some popular parenting resolutions……

  • Shout less
  • Remain calm
  • Be more empathetic
  • Spend more ‘quality time’ with your kids
  • Be on top of what’s going on at school
  • Reduce screen time for all
  • Teach your child to be more independent
  • Say yes more often
  • Be more patient
  • Be more loving and positive
  • Be more playful and fun
  • Take care of yourself
  • Improve the bedtime routine, morning routine, homework routine, mealtimes, teeth brushing etc


You may have read numerous books, online articles and blogs, chatted to friends but not found solutions to create real, long lasting change.

Being a parent is probably the hardest job you will ever have but no one really teaches you how to do it and just making resolutions certainly won’t help and can actually make you feel worse!!! 

Without real support and being fully conscious of your thoughts, approach and daily interactions, it can be hard to make effective change.  The vast majority of parents give up by February and go back to their old ways.

I don’t believe anyone gets it right all the time – (I certainly don’t, even with 25+ years of experience in the field of coaching parents and having 4 children of my own to practice on).

It’s far more realistic to aim for ‘good enough’ rather than perfect.

I do however know some brilliant, tried and tested, practical techniques that make a huge difference to family life and work most of the time.

Why not strive for real change and join our ‘Positive Parenting’ course?

If you are unsure, get in touch to ask more or attend a free trial taster session any Monday evening.

  • Help your child thrive
  • Improve your relationship and connection
  • Learn how to self-regulate and manage your own emotions
  • Parent with more empathy and understanding
  • Less shouting, repeating, nagging, justifying, reminding and bribing

Educating Matters are always here to help you reach your goals.

Wishing you a calmer, happier 2020 with your family.