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I never recommend anything to parents that I have not tested out for myself with my own family.

A few years ago when my youngest was coming up to the end of primary school, I was looking for a tool to boost her confidence in Maths and English and also help her to prepare for some selective exams.

Then I came across a brilliant new learning platform called ‘Atom’.

I have always been in favour of a fun, non- pressurised learning approach and firmly believe that with solid foundations and parental support, children will end up where they need to be.

I do however know as a former teacher, that over the long stretch of the Summer holidays, children can get a bit rusty and forget what they learnt.

So, I thought it would be helpful to share what I discovered and literally cannot recommend this highly enough.

What is it

  • Online, adaptive learning platform for 7-11 year olds.
  • Linked directly to the UK National Curriculum and supports children with English, Maths, Science, Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning
  • Useful for boosting the confidence of children who are struggling or stretching children who are gifted and talented.
  • Reinforces learning for all children, especially useful over the long stretch of the summer holidays.
  • Preparation for 11+ grammar schools and selective Independent school exams.

My favourite features

✅The algorithm adapts to your child’s learning style and pace, so questions are pitched at the right level for your child.

✅It is fun, motivating and does not feel like work.

✅It is easy for parents to track their children’s progress with learning reports, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

✅It is marked instantaneously so children reive immediate feedback.

✅There are endless mock tests for all the varying exam styles, so you can target specific entrance school tests.

✅You or a tutor can set the work yourself or the Atom algorithm does it for you.

✅If a child is stuck they can get a help sheet or video tutorial.

✅When an answer is wrong, there is a video of a teacher explaining it. This is a much cheaper, more accessible option than a tutor.

✅It allows your child to work totally independently.

✅Over 1000 prep and primary schools use it.

✅It is free for schools to use.

I have secured a 10% discount code.

You can explore the platform with a free trial and cancel at any time.

Check out this video where I run you through the experience of using it.