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Teaching parents how to nurture emotional intelligence in their children is probably one of my favourite topics of conversation.

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Mohamed Azeem Saheer who found me all the way over in Sri Lanka and is the host of the EI Cafe podcast.


I passionately believe that enabling our children to understand and manage their emotions and the emotions of others is the foundation of everything they need to have healthy and fulfilling relationships in their personal and professional lives.

In this podcast I answer the following questions:

  1. What role do parents play in nurturing EI in children and why is it so important?
  2. How you can help children to understand their emotions?
  3. What are the benefits of acknowledging our children’s feelings?
  4. What’s the best way to navigate meltdowns whether that’s from toddlers or teens?
  5. Can you share some practical tools to support children with self-regulation?